5 Killer Steps to Find Pinterest Group Boards To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

5 Killer Steps to Find Pinterest Group Boards

Are you searching for how to find Pinterest Group boards for your niche? Then check out these 5 killer steps to find Pinterest Group boards to drive traffic to your blog.

Some may say, Pinterest group board is not necessary. But to me, Pinterest group board means a lot.

These Pinterest group boards helps you to drive traffic to your blog. Why do we need Pinterest group boards and what is Group boards on Pinterest?

Lets see each and everything one by one regarding Pinterest group boards.

What is Pinterest Group Boards?

Pinterest group board is a board where there is a group of people post their post in that group board.

The group board also has a group of followers for that board. Group board owner should give permission for others to join their group board.

In addition to this, board owner will set rules for that group board. The followers should pin their pins and repin others also.

Some group boards strictly restricts affiliate links. So for that boards, you need to create a post or landing page to direct your audience to that page.

Why do we need Pinterest Group Boards?

As group boards have large number of followers, if you post anything it will be shown in the notifications of all the followers of that board.

So it will help you to show your content to a large group of followers who are in your niche. This in turn, helps you to drive traffic to your blog or any page.

In addition to this, group boards will also help you to earn commissions. How? For example: If you are creating a review post on any affiliate product. Then adding the pin to that group board.

So when the people in that group are searching for your content, then you will get commissions if they buy it.

5 Killer Steps to Find Pinterest Group Board

You can join directly from Pinterest itself. But my recommendation is to make use of Pingroupie. Now lets see what are the 5 killer steps to find the Pinterest Group Board.

1. Signin to Pingroupie

Go to Pingroupie  and create your account and sign in to it.

2. Enter your Keyword

Enter the keyword in your niche. Then Switch on Request to join button. Also, select Collaborator growth 90 days in the order by section.

This will help you to filter the group boards which are having growth in last 90 days. 


3. Select the group boards

Now, its time to select the group board based on the list of followers and collaborators.

This will help you to decide whether you can join the group board or not. Now, carefully read the board description.

Create an excel sheet to keep track of the group boards you have joined. In that excel sheet, add group board name, board owner name, no. of followers, no. of collaborators, rules and email id.

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4. Send Email Not DM

Some of the group boards ask you to join through request button. Alternatively, some of the group boards give you a link of typeform to join their group board.

Also, some may ask you to join their Facebook group and send the request to them in their group. Most importantly, you should not use DM i.e Direct Message the Group board owners.

5. Finally on board.

After you have been accepted by group boards, then you will be given the notification on your Pinterest. Also, when you are pinning a pin it will show the Pinterest group board.

Most importantly, you should strictly follow the rules. Then you should also repin others content in your account. This will help you to gain views and followers also.

Pinterest Group Board List

For each and every niche, you will have separate group boards. To know the list of group boards in your niche for free, then fill up the form to download the pdf full of list of Pinterest group boards.

Get Pinterest Group Board List For Each Niche

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