how to write about me page

10 Steps To Write SEO Optimized About Me Page

10 Steps to Write SEO Optimized About Me Page

How to write SEO optimized about me page? What are the things you should have in your about me page? How to show to our audience to build a trust in them? All these questions are answered below.

This page is the most important for company or services. At the same time, if you are a digital coach then you also need this page. Why?

Because this page tells more about your company’s service or your own service offered to the society. In addition to this, it will also help you in building trust in your audience.

Lets see what are the do’s and don’ts when writing an SEO optimized about me page. You may also wonder what keyword should we focus on and more. Lets discuss step by step.

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Do's and Don'ts in writing SEO optimized About me page.

1.Write about you and your journey

First and foremost important part is writing about you and your journey in this niche. At the same time, don’t start telling stories of you.

Just tell your name and who you are? After that make a short story of your journey within 3 to 4 lines. Like when did you start blogging? How is your mindset and like this write a short bit.

2. State the vision and mission

What is vision and mission? Vision is statement tells about your future goal. Mission is a statement that tells about your today’s goal you achieved.

Make sure to write a catchy vision and mission statement. Why? Because it will build the trust in your audience.

3. Add your Specialization Certificate

Here don’t add your degree certificate. Instead add your Google, Microsoft, Facebook, SEMrush, Yoast and more.

Providing Google certificate help you to convince your audience that he/she is specialized in particular niche. We can give them our lead.

4. What to add as a focus keyword in about me page?

You all may wonder what keyword should we set as a focus keyword? For this you need to add the services or what your website is about as a focus keyword.

Also you can see the vision and mission statement, previous lines added in it and find the one which is more suitable for you.

5. Add your Profile Pic

Audience want to know who you are and how you look? Add images helps you to gain their trust between you and them.

While uploading image, add the keyword in your image name and alt attribute. Because it will increase your SEO points.

6. Add Social Media Links for About Me page

Make sure to add your social media links in this about me page. Why? After reading your about me page, audience may want to follow you in social media.

So for that don’t let the audience leave the about me page without following you.

7. Add Title and Meta Description for About Me page

Some of you may think why we should add meta description and title for about me page. While Google is crawling , it also crawl your about me page.

Leaving the about me page without SEO leads to disaster. Add some inspiring sentence in your meta description of about me page.

8. Add Signup Form In Your About Me page

Why should you add signup form here? Because don’t leave the audience without signup the form.

How? For that you can offer some freebie or some value to them. So that they are willing to give your email id to your form.

9. Add Blog Post Link

Some blogger says don’t need to add post link here. While others may say to add the links. Like others I would like you to add some major categories here.

You can visit my about me page to get some ideas. These ideas are only after trial and error method.

If your audience is planning to read your post after inspiring in your about me page, then the links shown here will be enough.

So add the categories which are more interesting and solution related one.

10. Add Free Course here

If you are offering any free course, add the link here. Also you can show your skillset level in each category of your niche. This will help them to know more about you.

Some Additional Tips

  • Add your team members portfolio here.
  • Also add the photo of your office here.
  • You can also make a self introductory video here.
  • Don’t add more images and videos to overwhelm them.

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